Archive for December 2020
Learning Robotics
As an act of solidarity, the chair of the board Rev. Rachel Baughman and the vice president Dr. Ghassan Charif visited our center in Lebanon.
During his visit, Dr. Charif announced the donation that Parish Episcopal school made to Safe Spaces Lebanon through him and Mrs. Mona Charif. The Executive Director of MAKERplay and the Director of STEM Education at Parish Episcopal School in Dallas, Jennifer Makins, donated four robotics kits and fourteen MAKERplay. Jennifer will be helping Safe Spaces set robotic sessions for our students, which will be in coordination with the teachers and the instructors at Safe Spaces Lebanon Center.
Our teachers have received the kits, and they monitored Dr. Charif while he was demonstrating how to set them up.
Thank you, Jenn Makins and Parish Episcopal school, for your generous donations and your support.