The Learning Continues
While we can’t proceed with our education program as usual, our educators have been working to find creative ways to keep our students engaged and learning. The teachers have designed a continuous exchange of worksheets between the students and them to stay on track. The teachers prepared and printed these worksheets including exercises and texts, and distributed them as of Monday to their students in the center. The teachers then formed groups of two to alternate daily visits to the shelter, and assist and supervise the students with their work.

The teachers were pleasantly surprised that students had their worksheets almost complete even before the first visit. The students, excited about getting back to learning, were thrilled to reconnect with teachers and receive feedback on their work. We are thrilled at the success of this short term solution and plans are underway for them to continue. Every week, the teachers will distribute new worksheets, and continue to visit students in the shelter, while of course taking all measures reinforced and encouraged by the ministry of health about necessary social exposure.

Additionally, the Safe Spaces team continues to offer support to our families through grocery delivery. A new batch of nutrition boxes has been prepared and distributed by the Safe Spaces team. Mr. Ghaleb el Charif made sure that this process was finalized before the beginning of Ramadan, and that all families at the Naddaf shelter have a full table in this holy month. With our continued collective efforts, we can create ways to alleviate difficulties and offer support, both general and academic, to our Safe Spaces families. Ramadan Mubarak!